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Every time when my dear friend, laziness hits me I push myself to not write anything. I can’t keep my word and I still need to say what comes to my mind. I was wearing a pair of jeans from Zara, which has an interesting and haunting story, but I would rather keep it for myself.Definitely, the color looks very crazy and that’s why it may be difficult to match these jeans. I love the pattern of my blouse, which was bought from H&M. The tricky problem is that it has a provocative cleavage, which can be closed with a button. Unfortunately, this button doesn’t work so well and at the slightest move I make it opens and become half naked. The dreamy turquoise blaze, from H&M doesn’t belong to me, but I have something similar. In the last photos, I was wearing a cosy light pink sweater. So, which one do you like the most ?


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7 replies
    • Glamthug
      Glamthug says:

      Wow! Deci mi-ai adus un super larg zambet pe buze. Chiar ma intrebam de ce nimeni nu alege intre blazer si cardigan, dar mai mare placerea a fost sa imi zici ca ai locuit aici. Da, sunt studenta full-time dar iau in considerare sa merg la Lyon cu erasmus. O seara frumoasa!

  1. TheCottonCandyMix
    TheCottonCandyMix says:

    Cred ca majoritatea persoanelor care locuiesc in Horsens se gandesc sa plece de acolo 😛 Ar fi frumos Lyon, Horsens-ul e mult prea mic. Mie, personal nu prea mi-a placut Danemarca, nu a fost pentru mine. O seara frumoasa si tie


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