I’ve been always dreaming to live in a city where the seaside is at a couple of steps distance. I’ve just realised yesterday that my dream has become true, since I got here. Unfortunately, the beach is not arranged like the ones from watering places. However, people are going there to get some tan and enjoy the sun. My girls and I have done the same thing. We couldn’t refuse the rays of sunshine, so we established to bring something to eat and drink and take advantage of such a beautiful day.  22 degrees in Denmark mean a lot to danish people, but I remember how my mom is making fun of me when I tell her how happy I am because it’s ‘hot’ outside.  She’s probably envious on me because I really tanned. Moreover, I had summoned my courage up and took a bath inside the…SEA. YES!  I know it’s unbelievable because the sea has ONLY 14 degrees. Anyway, I am alive and I’m not coughing or having temperature.

It was an awesome experience and I would do it for thousands of times. Horsens is officially my new corner of heaven.

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‘Let me be your cigarette’ he said to her




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This crap called ‘danish weather’  is going crazy and I’m losing my temper. It’s basically raining with cats and dogs 🙂 . I come back from school because I had solved some problems with my Erasmus learning agreement. I thought that I will easily give up, but I was aware of that saying, which says: You can’t call it a battle unless you are struggling until the end and believe in it’ . I’ve been used to take things for granted and lose my interest for achieving something. It’s easier to pass the responsibility and let the others  do your task, but it brings a bigger fulfilment when you put a lot of effort into it.

Enough with my  philosophy. Let’s get a closer look to my outfit. The shirt was bought from London and I totally adore it. One disadvantage is that those spangles aren’t well fixed and I should sew them. I have a crush on green clothes and I’m thinking that my next swimsuit will be green ( emerald) as well.

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 I can finally  say that ‘this city never sleeps’. I went to a concert on Saturday and it was a blast. There were many bands singing, but also some dancers. The main artists that came were Muri & Mario ( This song is very popular in Denmark) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjvfER4StSY ) and Kristoffer Rahbek ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F2Jc6qQTCA ) . People came especially for them, but also to sustain their friends who were on the stage. I appreciated the simplicity of how this event was organised. Moreover, people were comfortably dressed and warm enough to face the cool air.  During the show, a friend of mine was making a fachiri show ( playing with fire). Many people were breathless, because it’s dangerous to do that and you need to practice hard. Moreover, it was very nice to see everyone dancing on the stage at the end of Muri & Mario’s performing. They really know how to entertain the crowd.

I will upload later some photos with me on a new post. Stay tuned  and enjoy the last hours of Sunday 🙂

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This semester came almost to an end and  my university is throwing a party on each semester, as I’ve informed you before. See previous post about Army Party http://glamthug.com/2012/11/18/i-need-a-soldier/ .  DSR was in charge of everything. On their facebook page was created a poll with 3  themes: Moulin Rouge, Begger and I can’t remember the last one. Anyway, people have voted for the first one, which proved to be the perfect decision.  It was very nice organised and we had some few dancing moments held by Hip-Hop and Salsa team.

!!!  If they they had played musical songs I would have appreciated much more. It’s difficult to satisfy everyone, and probably not so many people would have enjoyed that. Anyway, that could have been another opportunity to get us more into the theme.

The students were dressed according to the dress-code: suit and tie/bow tie for men and …here comes the delightful part and it’s obvious about women. The significance of Moulin Rouge involves passion and of course red, once I have mentioned the precedent one. Girls were looking provocative from head to the toes. The hair was curly or braided and decorated with an abundance of accessories such as hats,  sequins, different feathers and small veils.

Then, you have two ways to choose what to wear. On one hand, you could opt for a sexy style by wearing a velvet dress ( like I wanted to) or be more burlesque with a corset, suspender hosiery and high heels.

On the other hand, you could choose somehow the androgynous style, which lies in a white blouse, bow tie, tail coat and shorts. I made my decision on last minute thanks to a friend.I was desperate to find what to wear and I had been searching the perfect costume for several days, but it was only misfortune. I wanted to borrow a bow tie, but then I remembered about my hair clip from H&M.

The party ended at 2 o’clock and then we had moved to an after party in the campus, until police came. They were coming for more that 3 times, because they didn’t know how to handle the noise, but then they found a solution.

I will upload later more photos from the party!

Stay tuned and enjoy your Sunday 🙂

lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,how to wear mirrored sunglasses,student in denmark,the life of a student abroad,how to wear a bow tie,photos with nikon d3200,how is in horsens

lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,how to wear mirrored sunglasses,student in denmark,the life of a student abroad,how to wear a bow tie,photos with nikon d3200,how is in horsens,via university student

lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,how to wear mirrored sunglasses,student in denmark,the life of a student abroad,how to wear a bow tie,photos with nikon d3200,how is in horsens,via university student

lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,how to wear mirrored sunglasses,student in denmark,the life of a student abroad,how to wear a bow tie,photos with nikon d3200,how is in horsens,via university student

lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,how to wear mirrored sunglasses,student in denmark,the life of a student abroad,how to wear a bow tie,photos with nikon d3200,how is in horsens,via university student

lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,how to wear mirrored sunglasses,student in denmark,the life of a student abroad,how to wear a bow tie,photos with nikon d3200,how is in horsens,via university student

lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,how to wear mirrored sunglasses,student in denmark,the life of a student abroad,how to wear a bow tie,photos with nikon d3200,how is in horsens,via university student,how to wear a velvet blazer lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,how to wear mirrored sunglasses,student in denmark,the life of a student abroad,how to wear a bow tie,photos with nikon d3200,how is in horsens,via university student,how to wear a velvet blazer

lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,how to wear mirrored sunglasses,student in denmark,the life of a student abroad,how to wear a bow tie,photos with nikon d3200,how is in horsens,via university student,how to wear a velvet blazer

lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,how to wear mirrored sunglasses,student in denmark,the life of a student abroad,how to wear a bow tie,photos with nikon d3200,how is in horsens,via university student,how to wear a velvet blazer

lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,how to wear mirrored sunglasses,student in denmark,the life of a student abroad,how to wear a bow tie,photos with nikon d3200,how is in horsens,via university student,how to wear a velvet blazer

lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,how to wear mirrored sunglasses,student in denmark,the life of a student abroad,how to wear a bow tie,photos with nikon d3200,how is in horsens,via university student,how to wear a velvet blazer

lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,how to wear mirrored sunglasses,student in denmark,the life of a student abroad,how to wear a bow tie,photos with nikon d3200,how is in horsens,via university student,how to wear a velvet blazer, how to make cocktails at home

lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,how to wear mirrored sunglasses,student in denmark,the life of a student abroad,how to wear a bow tie,photos with nikon d3200,how is in horsens,via university student,how to wear a velvet blazer, how to make cocktails at home

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lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,how to wear mirrored sunglasses,student in denmark,the life of a student abroad,how to wear a bow tie,photos with nikon d3200,how is in horsens,via university student,how to wear a velvet blazer, how to make cocktails at home,parties in horsens,student party in horsens

lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,how to wear mirrored sunglasses,student in denmark,the life of a student abroad,how to wear a bow tie,photos with nikon d3200,how is in horsens,via university student,how to wear a velvet blazer, how to make cocktails at home,parties in horsens,student party in horsens

Thanks Juan ( https://www.facebook.com/juan.morales.75839?fref=ts ) for the last photos!

I’m launching a new initiative, which consists in quick snaps. I will capture special moments and things or people that I admire. Unluckily, all these will be taken with my poor quality phone, but I will get a new one as soon as possible.Once a week I will update new photos, so stay tuned. This could be a great opportunity to be in touch with what’s going on in Horsens.


I’m wondering how the driver looks like…


You can find food from Poland, Italy, Holland, France, etc.




 H&MParadise…on sale!

The idea of choosing what to wear was totally different. I wanted to be a pin-up girl in that night, but  bad luck because of  the lack of  time.  I wanted to curl my hair  and wear a chic dress, but most probably I will do it next time.  I had bought a curling iron when I was in Amsterdam and I didn’t have time to see how it works. So, I wing it and  instead of being a pin-up girl, I became a hipster girl, as my best friend claimed. Some of the students threw a party in campus, which was called ‘Chronological party’ and the dress code should have been inspired by 60’s, 70’s, 80’s.  I was wearing a lousy shirt from Primark , which was bought by mistake at an extra-size.  The story is really tricky, because it was written 38 on the hanger. Few days later, I had tried it on and I realised that it was 46, which is quite bigger.  I thought that I should get rid of it, but I knew how to handle the sad situation. I’m proud of my gaffe, because it looks so DAMN good as it is. I had a crush 2 months ago. Don’t panic! I had a crush on striped jeans before and luckily I found some on sales from Sisters Point http://www.sisters-point.com) . Unfortunately, the jeans are blue and white and this makes them a little bit harder to mix. This is the first time when I wear these jeans, the necklace ( H&M) and the shirt.Anyway,  the sneakers from New Look are already well-known and it’s useless to add something more about them. I just need to have guts and throw them in the washing machine, because they are screaming to be clean again.





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Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

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DSC_0885 copyGood evening, ladies and gentlemen!  I will start by saying that I got a terrible cold and I’m not in the best mood. I had a nap in this afternoon, because this ilness makes me feel very weak and I need energy to study. I had a sunny and peaceful day at school, because this semester is almost over. That’s why my outfit doesn’t require too much complication: almost all denim and blue. My t-shirt might be a matter for discussion because it has printed crosses, Read more

First of all,  I would like to wish you Happy Easter and… Happy Men’s Day! Anyway, I’m  proud to be an orthodox christian, so therefore I prepared with my mom some traditional food. Unfortunately, I forgot to paint the eggs, which is one of the most important things for my tradition. No worries or regrets, because   I woke up at 7:30, due to a long and relaxing ‘nap’ of 13 hours.  So, now I’m spying the eggs until they are ready to be boiled and painted with red color. I will come back later with some photos.

I had a chill Saturday at the harbour. The forecast showed 19 degrees and I couldn’t resist staying home for the entire day. So, I had a bright idea to go to the harbour and have a picnic. I won’t reveal how it worked because I limited myself to one sandwich, some bottles of Breezer and fruits. Sun was a bit cruel , like it wanted to revenge on us because its sun rays were ceaselessly appearing and disappearing. There’s no much left to say regarding my… outfit. It’s already too much to call it like this, because I didn’t choose it carefully. I took a look inside my wardrobe and then I went with the flow. I’m sure that I will be sitting and laughing in front of the computer by a lapse of time because of my ‘inspired’ outfit.

PS: Thanks to all for the tremendous success of my last post about the International Day ( almost 800 views) .

easter in denmark,life of a student abroad, student in horsens opinions, lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,romanian traditional food

easter in denmark,life of a student abroad, student in horsens opinions, lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,romanian traditional food

easter in denmark,life of a student abroad, student in horsens opinions, lifestyle blogger,glamthug blog,romanian traditional food Read more

Sun, food, friends, fun – that’s all about International Day, which was organised today at VIA. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to help my colleagues with cooking , but they prepared the most delicious food: Sarmale, Meatballs with onion, Filled Eggs and Filled Plums. For sure, this was another proof that Romanian food makes happy your tummy. Unluckily, we ran out of food in maximum 30 minutes because a lot of people were queing to get to know the Romanian taste. As you can see, I was wearing a special outfit: traditional costume from Romania and I felt really proud of it. Beside this event, my week was amazing and full of new experiences. I’m talking about my first work, which was successfully accomplished, even if I had to stand up for 7 hours. Moreover, my parents came here for a week, due to Easter Holiday and they are having a wonderful time.


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[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loa4sTlWCg0&w=560&h=315]