How to wear a hat, backpack trend blog


Black outfit,details,zara,red hat,zara backpack,horsens,new haircut,bob haircut (2)

Black outfit,details,zara,red hat,zara backpack


After 3 years of long hair, I finally decided that it is time for a change: a new haircut! People around me were making plans or the famous resolutions for the rest of the year, but I didn’t have something precise than few things about my perception and character. Then, I saw how my hair was spreading all over the places, so I scheduled an appointment at the salon.




As I was explaining to many curious people, the cause of donating my natural hair to the children with cancer pushed me much more to do it than the need for

an adjustment. So, here I am whipping my hair back and forth as Willow Smith’s song says. I mean this haircut gives me freedom and Read more