As I woke up, I refused to believe that Monday can give me a hard time.Therefore, I decided  to make the best of things. I was in my element, ready to achieve new goals and to rise and shine. I felt lucky because I’ve started classes at 10:15, which is reasonable for the beginning of the week. It was all clear to me: nothing can mess up my day! Not even coffee spilled over me. After Business Law classes, where I got really involved, I had a gripping discussion about going abroad. Yeah, I’m talking about being an Erasmus student. What can I say? I was all ears and absolutely hypnotized by the presentation. I’m not afraid of unknown, I’m actually excited for it. I will set out my reasons for applying as an erasmus student.

1. Challenge!!! For me it’s already a challenge to study in Denmark, but if I can ‘expand’ it, why not?! I am already an international student, but I want MORE.

2.Cultural experience. It’s awesome to get to know the lifestyle of other countries.

3. WHY NOT? Don’t be coward! You have many options . Only once in your life you have this chance. What are you waiting for? For example, I would like to study in Sweden, USA, France, or Germany ( my mom’s desire). I want a country with warm weather, but the most important thing is the economy.

4. Your future boss will definitely appreciate the fact that you have abroad experience. Just imagine how your CV is going to look like, beside your colleagues.

5.Double diploma-special cases. You can choose to study a different programme than the one you’re currently following.

6. You can apply for a scolarship. The received money depends on the chosen country.

7. Last, but not least FUUUUN, friends and great photos.

The above things turn me on. I hope I have to guts to leave everything behind and face this challenge. It’s hard because I should move and change my living place. Moreover, it’s difficult because you get to know many people so well and after 5 months you may never see them again in your life. Anyway, my mom told me to not give up, to enjoy every moment and pursue my dreams.







My outfit… 

Okay, I love colors, but neon aren’t my beloved ones.This new style (sporty-chic , I guess it’s called ) looks really dashing to me. It’s cosy, warm and it totally breaks the rules. You thought that is a war between elegance and sport. Close enough, but fashion is all about changes. For me sporty chic is equal to ‘Dressed to kill’. It surprises you everytime! Unfortunately, I’m not wearing heels and this is why I believe that my look goes more sporty. It is chic because of the necklace,the sweater and of course ME or my attitude. I’m disappointed of my red laces, but I hope you won’t get very distracted because of them. I used layered clothing by accident. I took some quick photos at uni during the lunch break.

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I’ve been talking about fashion most of the time. I don’t want to tarnish my image in front of you,guys. I still have the pleasure to discover new things in the kitchen. For example, on Sunday I followed a recipe for baked apples with cinnamon, honey and nuts. I am fed up with being lazy and laying in bed all day long. Maybe starting with this week I will have many opportunities to fill my free time like danish lessons, learning  hard and exercises to keep me fit.


apples- how many you would like to eat


2 teaspoons cinnamon

brown sugar, but you can use also the normal one

nuts, honey, aluminum foil

How : You preheat the even, and during this time you cut the apples in two and coring them. Then, you add inside every apple all the ingredients ( butter, nuts, cinnamon, sugar) and after that you bake them for 40 minutes.

Ps:It tastes delicious with honey on. So, stop eating chocolate all the time and try this recipe!


Before eating the dessert, I prepared potatoes salad. You need to boil the potatoes, to cut onions, make or buy mayonnaise, boil some eggs and add olives. You put all of them in a bowl and eat the salad until you’re full. It’s really easy to prepare this, so… dear starving students you should definitely go for it! This recipe is a piece of cake, for real ! Take me easy with critics, because this is just for fun & being helpful for you. I enjoy spending time in the kitchen , listening to music and making a mess around me.

That’s it. Stay tunned because I have many things to hash out. I had a trying day with many challenges, which will be discussed later.


I’m pretty sure that when you read the title of this post, all what you can do it’s to spell it exactly like in ‘Scary Movie’ ( ). I don’t know what lead me to choose it or…let’s take a closer look to my outfit. I personally love the way I mixed the top over the short t-shirt, even if both of them are patterned and made from different materials. I’m not the kind of girl who is into wearing leggings, but I had the guts to buy them.

I’m thrilled to find out that I won’t be a couch potato anymore. I’ve just received an email with some model jobs, which are taking place in other cities during April and I gladly accepted them.

Have a nice weekend!

Asos White Top

Reserved Grey Zebra shirt

H&M  Denim Leggings

no more

fee as

fffuck it



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I promise this is the last post about Valentine’s day subject.I had classes on Thursday,so I had decided to wear my yellow hearted sweater. I had bought it when I was in Austria in a ski trip. I guess that are more than 3 years since it has been in my wardrobe. I have the same sweater on blue, but both of them are worn on occasions such as Valentine’s day or Dragobete. I didn’t have any time to put make on, so excuse me if you don’t like my face.

That’s all for today. I am dying to visit Amsterdam.Haven’t I told you? I am going in a study trip to Netherlands on 18 of March. It’s going to be LEGEN…wait for it…DARY!





Thanks to Valentine’s Day party I could wear my grey wedge boots. What do you think about them? I must say that I wasn’t sure if these will be worn or dust-covered.I was dreaming for a pair of wedge boos, so God made granted my wish.I went to Aarhus with a friend on Wednesday, but not with the purpose of buying something. We wanted to have some fun and to get rid of this routine, but of course we had ended our remarkably day in a shopping center. I went back home with a big smile on my face and carrying two pairs of leather boots because sometimes  nothing can make you happier than shopping.









Oh, it’s February the month of love. You get easily distracted by red color and hearts.  Bullshits. Do you want to know what I think about it? OK, you can call me ‘ hater’.  You don’t have to agree with me, but somehow I believe in my thoughts.What’s the meaning of Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s day was an opportunity for pure lovers, but now it has lost its magic. Why? The usage of the word ‘ love’ is almost meaningless to some of us. Moreover, people perceive this day more like a commercial hype.  When you love someone,  you love him/her everyday and with the same ‘quantity’ of love.  If you want to be romantic with your partner more than never, you can choose any day of those 365 days of the year. I find it more lovely, to be suddenly  surprised  than to wait for V-day and expect something. It’s like you force yourself to do something that binds you, not because your heart tells you to do so. You buy presents such as : chocolate hearts, roses, pillow hearts, jewellery or whatsoever. You don’t need these things in order to say or to hear those magic words like ‘ I love you’ .

People don’t want to spend the day alone and find themselves under a lot of social pressure to find themselves a date for Valentine’s Day. That is why the 14 th of February is a another reason to party. There are two types of parties. The first category involves those who are madly in love and those who are willing to find ‘their best match’. It goes without saying that their perfect place should look like a fairytale. On the other side, we find those who are ‘Anti-Valentine’s Day’. They organize a party, where they will probably get drunk and then get laid with an unknown person. Most single people would probably avoid going out on this day because it may be very hard for one to even get a space, where couples aren’t around you.

I’m not in any position to judge, so I will let the romantic air to absorb me.

Dear lovers ( of fashion and … love ) , enjoy your V-day with your special one or do something nice for your own.



vvv ahha






It’s Monday and I think I shouldn’t say that again . It’s difficult to let things to get back to normal. Now, I can feel that school starts. I am prepared to fight  in this prison and to pay attention more than never. Laziness still lingers, but I need to activate myself.

However, the purpose of this post is to share with you my outfit from Saturday. As you can observe in the next  photos, this outfit it’s really simple. Actually, what really matters is to wear it with confidence. I’m wearing a simple black cotton top and a pair of grey jeans. Adding accessories helped me to personalize or to bring a chic-rock style to this look. My friend helped me to prepare my hair because she’s patient and she wanted to put her idea into practice. It’s a bun, which was bought from H&M and then she braided  some locks of hair. It goes without saying that the right makeup for this look is smokey eyes.



Before getting my hair done




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 I can’t explain in so few words what an amazing day of Saturday I’ve just had.The night before was a little rough because I managed to fall asleep at 5 am . Then, the sunlight hit my window and  I had to get off the bed at 10 am . This outfit makes me think of Audrey Hepburn. Maybe the way my  hair looks like is guilty for this. I am wearing a dark brown leather skirt, which I bought it from H&M. It isn’t easy to mix this skirt, but I did my best. The mustard silk blouse is definitely one of my favourite and it completes this vintage look. Why do I say ‘vintage‘ ? The pattern of the blouse and the accessories ( except for the necklace) brings me in 50’s . I was dressed specially for this photo shooting. Where would I like to wear this outfit? I think it inspires a little bit of drama and maybe I would like to go to the theatre. Of course, that are many different ocasions , where I could spend a really nice time. I would like to thank my flatmate, who helped me a lot with this photo shooting . It was a little bit embarassing because everyone was starring at me.

Thanks for your attention! Now, enjoy the photos and don’t hesitate to share the link.

Have a wonderful Sunday!


Trying to fix my skirt.

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And I smell your cologne in the air

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This is a special post with a special friend. When I was home, I met with many people, with who I hadn’t heard from such a long time.I have been knowing for 6 years. We were in France for an exchange project and this is how our friendship started. Sorry for the dirty snow. I promised to her that I will make a special post, and I’m sure that my friend will be surprised/shocked  when she wakes up in the morning.



Colgate smile



Here we are again, fashion lovers!

People always tell me that orange, yellow and all these citrus colors fit me the best. As you can see, I choose to emphasize my beautiful, chic skirt. I didn’t know with what to match my boots, so I mixed them with an animal-printed blouse. That’s all. I don’t want to bother you again. I’m letting the pictures talk for themselves!

PS: If you enjoy spending time on my blog, don’t hesitate to share it. Thanks!






