The perks of living in Zurich
Hey! I hope you are having a great start into the week and I hope you have been waiting impatiently to bring back to life my blog.
When I started writing on this blog 6 years ago, I wanted to have it as a diary, where I can reveal special…

Reasons to love Zurich
As you might know I moved to Zürich for 3 months AT LEAST, that's why I included on my Instagram profile 'New in Zurich'.
Long story short WHY
The power of love dragged me here
I am seeking job opportunities or planning…

Zulu The Color Run Aarhus
They say Sundays are for laying in bed, watching a movie and eating junk food. I disagree, especially that this Sunday the 22nd of May will be Zulu The Color Run Aarhus. The event has been present since 2012. It became so popular that the…

Color Run
Color Run Aarhus wasn't my first experience with this non-toxic colored powder. In fact, I had been through this before, but this time was twice crazier. Why crazier? In general, because of the people and the weather conditions. Yeah, living…

The last month of the year
The last month of 2014 was crowded, a bit stressful in what the exams are concerned, but most of all meaningful because I spent it with the people I love the most. Oh yeah...and tons of traditional food. Unfortunately, I couldn't enjoy snow…

1st Malta
Meanwhile you may be mesmerized by the fact that winter is coming, as I can see the Facebook photos from Romania, I will reveal my holiday in Malta, where sun is still working hard to satisfy the tourists.
As soon as I landed there, the…

Pay or play
I'm looking forward to the memories of right now!
Dark wine mixed with another glass of wine or just take a look at my leather alike vest and my beloved camera. Nothing on purpose, as usual but I believe that my Nikon is more likely to…

Northside14 II
The second day was a blast, because I had a day off and plenty of time for myself. I woke up early in the morning with a big appetite for a smoothie and I ended up drinking that and eating baklava and in Bazar West. Then, I went for a 'short'…

The 1st day of Northside Festival was like a dream that came true, because I had the amazing occasion to see Lana del Rey, but of course there were many levels to pass until I got there. I could have easily paid 250 euros for a ticket and…

Aalborg carnival
Denmark is known for its crazy party people and that's why there are many festivals during the year. Aalborg Carnival is one of them or better said, THE ONE.Actually, this carnival is the second largest carnival in Scandinavia and it meets…

Best night.Girls night
After having a tumultuous week with the final project, I decided to have time on my own. We already had a nice reunion in the downtwon student bar with few of my classmates and friends on Friday, but I needed a treat for the next day. So,…

Off to Barcelona
I am flying to Barcelona on 1st of April and it's not a joke, even though it's April Fools' Day. I was initially supposed to go only with my dear polish friend to break the routine. I later discovered that other 4 guys have chosen the same…