One of the most expensive cities
The top spot is taken by Singapore followed by Zurich and Hong Kong.
To begin with, let me get this straight: Zurich IS NOT the capital of Switzerland, BUT it's the largest city in Switzerland ,and obviously, one of the most expensive cities…

The color run
Zulu The Color Run was a blast as I expected. My favourite part was the party at the finish line with cool music and people. I cannot wait until The Color Run comes back and hopefully my friends will join. Unfortunately, I went there…

10 reasons to love Brussels
It was love at first sight: Brussels and I. You will surely feel the same as me once you get there, so that's why I will enumerate 10 reasons to love Brussels.
Architecture. It was hard to decide what should be the on 1st…

Experiencing Berlin
From where I live to Berlin there are only 580 km and dad and I thought that would be a good excuse to escape for awhile from Denmark. The Easter break was getting closer, so we decided to embrace the adventure. It look longer to get there than…

Spring is here
Spring is FINALLY here and I emphasized 'FINALLY' because we have been waiting a lot for warmer days and flowers ready to bloom in Denmark. Spring is such a beautiful season! How exciting to see signs of life after winter. As long as spring…

New haircut
After 3 years of long hair, I finally decided that it is time for a change: a new haircut! People around me were making plans or the famous resolutions for the rest of the year, but I didn't have something precise…

Spinalonga island
There are plenty day trips when choosing Crete. For example, we decided to go to an island off the coast of Crete, called Spinalonga. Today Spinalonga is mainly known as the Leper Island, because it was a leper colony from 1903…

Beach near Rome
Beach near Rome
What else is great about going to Rome besides discovering the history and tasting the great Italian food? Well, the fact that Rome is very close to the seaside and it is nothing but great to dip your toes in the sand.…

Discover more of Rome
Piazza Navona, Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II, Roma Basilica di Santa Maria in AraCoeli, Isola, The Pantheon, Traian Column, Quirinale, Marcello Theater are few of the places that made my third day in Rome, therefore I discovered more…

Color Run
Color Run Aarhus wasn't my first experience with this non-toxic colored powder. In fact, I had been through this before, but this time was twice crazier. Why crazier? In general, because of the people and the weather conditions. Yeah, living…

After spending 2 weeks again in my home country with my beloved ones and FINALLY deciding which smartphone to purchase ( it took me 5 months to figure out that HTC Desire EYE is the one for me) , my parents and I went on a trip to an unexplored…

The last month of the year
The last month of 2014 was crowded, a bit stressful in what the exams are concerned, but most of all meaningful because I spent it with the people I love the most. Oh yeah...and tons of traditional food. Unfortunately, I couldn't enjoy snow…