Embroidery is this year’s best asset as you can find anything designed like that: embroidered bags, embroidered shirts, embroidered dresses, embroidered jackets, embroidered leather jackets and one of my most loved one -embroidered boots.

It is simple why I like embroidery trend so much, but let’s spell it out why:

-once you have the right attitude, embroidery trend brings an outfit to life

-there is no need to put makeup on as long as people will stare at your embroidered piece of clothing ( e.g.my jeans)

-handmade art which comes from the Chinese, who were using it in clothing in a way that each symbol had a meaning

-you get noticed. A funny thing happened when I was wearing these embroidered jeans from here . I was walking around Zurich and out of 396,027 people, a friend of my boyfriend recognised me just because of these jeans.


how to wear embroidered jeans

how to wear embroidered jeans

why i like embroidery blog

  how to wear embroidered jeans  how to wear embroidered jeans

9 replies
  1. Dawan
    Dawan says:

    Wish people (included me) could wear something more colorful and fun. It might not be the most comfortable to walk in a sari but those women in India are gorgeous with all these colorful dresses. The japanese aswell has a fun approach to clothes. I on the other hand could walk in pyjama wherever I go!

  2. Maria
    Maria says:

    I love your outfit here! You complement the colors incredibly well – I like how the red just POPS. Where are the jeans from?

    • Glamthug
      Glamthug says:

      Hey! Sorry for the late reply. I didn’t see your comment. Well, the jeans are from ASOS as I mentioned in the post. There are many embroidered ones there.


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