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glamthug blog, travel in europe blog, photos taken with nikon d3200, life of a student abroad, where to go this summer blog,student in horsens, daily style blogger, chic on bike, look of the day, cerasela bortos blog

 ‘I scream ICE-CREAM’ while I’m sitting at my desk and chasing the sun. I could have sworn from the beginning of the morning that sun won’t show up today, but look it up and it’s still shining outside.  That’s wonderful, because I had thought that Wednesday provided me with enough ‘amount’ of sun for the next months.  Wednesday, 17 of April and 17 degrees. With such a good weather, I  got easily ‘over the hump’  by going to school and then being spoiled in the park. The sun plays a huge role in enjoying my day. It gladden my heart by letting me to wear light clothes. I was wearing a grey skirt, which was bought last summer. Its color expressed eternal boredom and even agedness. Actually, one of my friends tried to mock me by saying that my skirt looks similar to his grandmother’s clothes. What could I say?  He should be proud of his grandmother for being on trend. Moreover, on the bike= on the rack, when it comes to wear a skirt. Read more

Why should you bother to search hours and hours for a perfect tumblr site?If you want to find particular photos that appeals to you, you will have to waste much in front of the computer.Of course that maybe these photos from my trip to London won’t satisfy you because we have different fashion tastes.In this post, you will find everything you need:accessories(beginning with Anna dello Russo collection and ending with Topshop),menswear,glamour clothes, shoes and so on.

cute clutches

                        What is the best thing to do now?

Blogging,of course.E trecut de miezul noptii…A mai trecut o zi sau de fapt, asa cum sugereaza si titlul, s-a dus o luna si o saptamana, de cand ma aflu pe meleaguri daneze.E o senzatie ciudata pentru ca am impresia ca traiesc aici de un an.Deja cand merg prin oras ma intalnesc cu lume cunoscuta + ca m-am obisnuit, cat de cat, sa ma orientez. Cand imi gasesc timp, vreau sa fac mai multe poze cu imprejurimile.

De data asta, mi-am propus sa fiu mai organizata in ceea ce priveste compunerea articolului.Tocmai am fost sfatuita  de prietena mea cea mai buna ca se observa marea zapaceala din mintea mea si sar de la una la alta.Prietenii dau mereu sfaturi bune, asa ca o sa iau in considerare ce zice spiritul ei critic.(Blame it on  if you don’t like it). Some brainstorming ideas scrise frumusel in Word + DownTempo Tracks ar trebui sa ajute.

Azi, am avut ore pana la 2,dar in mod normal, a trebuit sa stam pana la 4 pentru ‘Tutor Economy’, dar nimeni nu a avut atata rabdare.In lungul meu drum spre casa, am continuat lectia de lituaniana ,,predata” de niste colegi simpatici.Ajunsa acasa, am pregatit niste paste cu ton, ca deh asta e specialitatea studentului din primul an si apoi am dormit ca un ‘boss’/princess 3 ore.

Savoury bow-tie pasta

Sunt o norocoasapentru ca peste o saptamana o sa-i am pe parinti aproape de mine datorita faptului ca tata se ocupa de transport Romania-Danemarca(pentru mai multe detalii ma puteti contacta, in caz ca e cineva interesat).Deja pun la cale cu mama ce sa-mi pregateasca de mancare si, mai ales, ce sa-mi aduca de acasa:mancare(zacusca, branza+smantana, icre facute de mama + multe dulciuri cumparate din Germania+ REMI.Parca simt nevoia de mai multe haine asa ca, am pus-o pe mama pe drumuri prin magazine, iar ea mi-a fotografiat ce i s-a parut ca mi-ar placea si vreau sa imi cumpar.Oricum, baza shoppingului o sa fie  cand plec la Londra, asa ca ar fi mai bine sa ma pastrez pentru atunci.

Autumn feeling

Natural long hair… Read more