

Every time I go home, I want to collect cheerful moments, as many as possible. That’s why a photo session is the perfect occasion to enjoy the time spent with my friends.Actually, this hanging out reminded me of , because we were more or less the same team and sun was strongly burning as in summer days.As you can see, my best friend and I had matched the outfits, but through simple telepathy.

A team of 4 people were ready to Read more

Week 8- exhausting routine: internship, work, driving 120 km every 5 days of the week, sleep. I need a SPA day or to be spoiled.

It’s Friday and a friend is asking me to go out in the weekend, but without mentioning what he has in mind. Therefore, I refused him with no hesitation, but then he expressed his regret that I am not able to join him to a trip to Copenhagen and I had sincerely been thinking those days about going there. So, the situation made a 180 degree turn and I accepted.

It was 9 am and I was struggling to keep my eyes opened and finish the little luggage for the trip. I was packing in a crazy rush, but my friend calmed me down telling me that the other passengers are Italians, who are always late. I was finally in a eco- friendly FIAT with my friends and heading to Copenhagen. All was great, until we found out how much we have to pay, in order to pass The Great Belt Bridge : around 40 euros/ dkk. 320 for one way, so we had  thought we could swam on the way back.

It took only 3 hours to arrive in Copenhagen. We were ready to conquer the city, after having a big adventure with the driver/ the photographer, who had been driving driving without hands on the steering wheel because he had to take some photos.

Before doing that, we had to stop by the train station because my friend was going back to Italy next day and she had to get rid of her luggage. I have known how expensive is Copenhagen, because it was the third time going there, but this time it just left me with an empty wallet.  I paid 20 euros/dkk. 130 for a 24 timer ticket, which lets you use any kind of transportation and for all the zones. Luckily, the weather was so bright that we preferred to go by foot, rather than not visiting it properly and going by metro.KFC was in our way, so it worked like magic to have ‘lunch’ there. I’ve been fiending for that moment when I will be with a lot.



20140222-IMAG9218‘Oh, such a nice quote. Wait, let me take a photo of it.Oh great: No card memory inserted. Holy crap! I left it home’… so the nightmare was about to start. My ‘dear’ HTC, I will wear you out.


DSC_0739My 1st photo with a fish-eye lens. Yuppy!

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Holi is a Hindu religious festival, which involves coloured powder and a lot of fun. The purpose of it is to celebrate the beginning of a new season and especially to have unforgettable memories. Just look at our faces!  I could say that we were dirty colorful and we didn’t even care about that. In fact, we were searching for more and more coloured powder in order to take revenge against those who throw it in our faces.  DSR  had this extremely bright idea to  bring for us the powder.   At the beginning, you need to be wet so that, the powder will be stucked on your skin. Anyway, this substance is completely harmeless. Trust me, I’ve swallowed the powder for so many times and nothing wrong happened with me. I really have to find out from where can you get it and how much it is  . I had some additional clothes and then, we went to take a shower in the university, down in the basement. It was the maddest idea that we could ever had because we didn’t have any towels or other underwear, but at least we had shower gel and especially, joyful mood.

I am really thankful to all these people, who know how to enjoy life and share their happiness with the others. All the students are a part of making  this university unique and priceless.

You simply can’t refuse to not cherish each day of this amazing student life. So, YOLO ! ( only at VIA)1011019_4740042311086_1323249478_n




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Yellow is for sure my colour and this party was insane. I felt like in Ibiza. What else could I add more?  We didn’t have music, but we had a lot of fun thanks to playing volleyball,  warming all around bonfire, jumping into the water or complaining that is too cold, but a drink more could be the solution. I think this is the easiest way to organize a party, because there’s a crowd of people, who are willing to get to know other people and enjoy being there. It was definitely a blast. I was there for more than 12 hours, starting at 3 pm and I was acting as a photographer, because as you can see I took plenty of photos ( around two thousands).  I got to know tens of people, because you know how popular you can become by owning a camera and obviously, wearing a tricky top. The hardest part came in the morning when I had to wake up early, in order to go and see ‘Hangover 3’  with DSR. I was lacking of energy, so I couldn’t pay too much attention. Moreover, It isn’t the movie wasn’t good enough, comparing to my high expectations, because I was half asleep with the blanket on and  trying to recover from such a mad night.

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 I can finally  say that ‘this city never sleeps’. I went to a concert on Saturday and it was a blast. There were many bands singing, but also some dancers. The main artists that came were Muri & Mario ( This song is very popular in Denmark) ) and Kristoffer Rahbek ( ) . People came especially for them, but also to sustain their friends who were on the stage. I appreciated the simplicity of how this event was organised. Moreover, people were comfortably dressed and warm enough to face the cool air.  During the show, a friend of mine was making a fachiri show ( playing with fire). Many people were breathless, because it’s dangerous to do that and you need to practice hard. Moreover, it was very nice to see everyone dancing on the stage at the end of Muri & Mario’s performing. They really know how to entertain the crowd.

I will upload later some photos with me on a new post. Stay tuned  and enjoy the last hours of Sunday 🙂

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The idea of choosing what to wear was totally different. I wanted to be a pin-up girl in that night, but  bad luck because of  the lack of  time.  I wanted to curl my hair  and wear a chic dress, but most probably I will do it next time.  I had bought a curling iron when I was in Amsterdam and I didn’t have time to see how it works. So, I wing it and  instead of being a pin-up girl, I became a hipster girl, as my best friend claimed. Some of the students threw a party in campus, which was called ‘Chronological party’ and the dress code should have been inspired by 60’s, 70’s, 80’s.  I was wearing a lousy shirt from Primark , which was bought by mistake at an extra-size.  The story is really tricky, because it was written 38 on the hanger. Few days later, I had tried it on and I realised that it was 46, which is quite bigger.  I thought that I should get rid of it, but I knew how to handle the sad situation. I’m proud of my gaffe, because it looks so DAMN good as it is. I had a crush 2 months ago. Don’t panic! I had a crush on striped jeans before and luckily I found some on sales from Sisters Point . Unfortunately, the jeans are blue and white and this makes them a little bit harder to mix. This is the first time when I wear these jeans, the necklace ( H&M) and the shirt.Anyway,  the sneakers from New Look are already well-known and it’s useless to add something more about them. I just need to have guts and throw them in the washing machine, because they are screaming to be clean again.





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Sun, food, friends, fun – that’s all about International Day, which was organised today at VIA. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to help my colleagues with cooking , but they prepared the most delicious food: Sarmale, Meatballs with onion, Filled Eggs and Filled Plums. For sure, this was another proof that Romanian food makes happy your tummy. Unluckily, we ran out of food in maximum 30 minutes because a lot of people were queing to get to know the Romanian taste. As you can see, I was wearing a special outfit: traditional costume from Romania and I felt really proud of it. Beside this event, my week was amazing and full of new experiences. I’m talking about my first work, which was successfully accomplished, even if I had to stand up for 7 hours. Moreover, my parents came here for a week, due to Easter Holiday and they are having a wonderful time.


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It was a party marathon this weekend. I had fun from Thursday to Sunday. I’m wondering if I would have enough energy to study this week. We painted the town red, but in different ways: Crazy Daisy on Thursday, Student bar on Friday in order to celebrate International Women’s day and last but least, my friend’s 21st birthday party. The last event succeeded the most, because it was a themed party with different characters. Let’s imagine that I was dressed up in a catwoman, even if you can’t see that from photos.






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Thanks to Valentine’s Day party I could wear my grey wedge boots. What do you think about them? I must say that I wasn’t sure if these will be worn or dust-covered.I was dreaming for a pair of wedge boos, so God made granted my wish.I went to Aarhus with a friend on Wednesday, but not with the purpose of buying something. We wanted to have some fun and to get rid of this routine, but of course we had ended our remarkably day in a shopping center. I went back home with a big smile on my face and carrying two pairs of leather boots because sometimes  nothing can make you happier than shopping.









If you were worried about how I arrived in G.B I would say that it was fine, even if I had some adventures.I will tell you more about it later.Yeah I know it’s already Wednesday, but above all things it was weekend.I went to Aarhus with some friends because they know that there is worthy nightlife.

Firstly, we went to campus, where was a party.It was supposed to be a fabulous party as it was written on the ticket but  it turned out to be a messy one and a lot of strangers.Shortly afterwards, we decided to go downtown to a club.I was really excited to go there.When we had go inside,I remembered that I forgot my documents in the car, which was parked in the campus.Completely out of the blue,things took a turn for the worse. Read more

Ieri a fost ziua cea mult asteptata de mine,ziua in care am facut un pub crawl impreuna cu grupa din Rus Week.Cu ocazia asta am facut cunostinta si cu modul danezilor de a petrece.Care ar fi? Pai,inainte de a merge in club,mergi in pub-urile unde gasesti berea la un pret bun(desi chiar si acolo e scumpa 20-30 lei)si apoi  in supermarket-uri pentru ca ‘it’s never enough’.La ‘Crazy Daisy ‘am remarcat un mod de a petrece total diferit fata de cel din Romania,cu extrem de multa bere,galagie,muzica diversa(chiar faina) si dans pe mese.Am avut din nou placerea sa cunosc studenti din toate colturile lumii cu care am schimbat 2-3 vorbe pentru ca mai mult nu se putea din cauza zgomotului. A fost un haos total,dar placut si  cel mai important e ca m-am distrat.Partea mai putin fericita a fost ca a trebuit sa merg singura pana acasa la ora 4 noaptea si ca m-a prins ploaia.Mi se spunea mie ca la frigul de aici nu iti vine sa faci parada modei,dar pana nu m-am convins ,nu m-am linstit.Daca tot am zis ca e seara de club,trebuia sa ma imbrac mai altfel,nu prea pretentios,dar nici prea simplu…Asa ca, o bluza,o geaca de piele,o fusta gri,niste cercei adorabili si balerini negri mi-au facut seara,desi am suportat cu greu vantul rece.

Altii cu berea,eu cu breezerul de pineapple.

Atmosfera de club(perfecta poza asta pentru un wallpaper)

Dimineata,am fost sa fac cumparaturi ca sa umplu frigiderul,doar ca am dat peste magazinul H&M si mi-am cam cheltuit banii pentru mancare ,care ii aveam cu mine.Nu imi pare rau deloc pentru ca mi-am luat o fusta mai ciudatica(imitatie de piele,destul de groasa),o rochita inflorata si o camasa.