
UNESCO World Heritage Site Bern

I thought it’s time for a new post, because some complained about my silence on the blog, especially that I have awaiting material.  So, let’s get a taste of Bern, which is the federal capital of Switzerland since 1848.  The old town of Bern is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the city worths a stroll  due to the medieval treasure.

Bern is surrounded by Switzerland’s longest river, the Aare, which has a beautiful turquoise color and  is taking you on a scenic float trip from the medieval city of Thun to Bern.  I expected Bern to be more more full of life, considering that is the capital, but rather Zurich or Basel is like that, but of course it is always nice to explore new places.

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Eager to know more about my trip in Berlin? Unfortunately, the day was shorter, but warmer than we thought and we chose to go by car to some specific tourist attractions such as: Checkpoint Charlie, The Jewish Museum and Postdamer Platz. The parking fee is Read more

The last month of 2014 was crowded, a bit stressful in what the exams are concerned, but most of all meaningful because I spent it with the people I love the most. Oh yeah…and tons of traditional food. Unfortunately, I couldn’t enjoy snow on Christmas days, but the real winter atmosphere came later. The summary of December 2014 is showed in the next photos by starting with the day before leaving to Romania and finishing with New Year’s Eve.

I had an amazing holiday and I am so blessed that I am currently  spending  again the holiday after exams in Romania.jup Read more

Mda stiu am cam lasat-o balta cu blogul zilele astea(shame on me),dar parca aceea agitatie  din noua mea felie de viata a inceput sa se amplifice.Cursuri,proiecte,petreceri,cumparaturi,gatit…cam in asta consta viata unui student.Azi am avut 4 ore(2 cursuri,asa e in fiecare zi,in afara de o zi in care avem liber).Economia nu prea imi surade (desi la liceu mi-a placut) pentru ca nici profesorul nu prea est capabil sa ne  explice asa cum trebuie si pentru ca mai mereu incepe la 8:20,cand suntem cu totii cam adormiti.Cursul de Organisation & Management pare sa fie mai atractiv,interactiv pentru ca lucram in grupe si profesorul stie cum sa ne capteze atentia.

De exemplu, azi am vazut filmuletul acesta:





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